Promising Career!

Business Simulations

Soft Skills Training

Language Course

Education Consulting

Business Simulation – Logistic World

Logistic management in action!

Logistic World simulates a service enterprise and shows how different management aspects influence the profitability and productivity of a service business. Many companies have now realized that the customers’ buying decisions are increasingly influenced by logistic considerations. The logistic service is in addition to the price and quality one of the key factors of the buying decision. A totally balanced and smooth collaboration of all participants of the process chain is a prerequisite for obtaining a competitive advantage of high quality service at low costs.

This logistic training is aimed at making the participants’ integration in a customer oriented business culture as simple as possible. The key basis of this simulation is the awareness of each employee’s impact on the process chain flow.




Each group is organized as an independent profit center. The participants get the view as customers, suppliers, procurement manager within their profit centers. Thus they will get to know the company from different perspectives.


  • Understanding of the important logistic aspects
  • Provides the guide to general and industry specific management fundamentals
  • Increases awareness of the cost and time factors
  • Communicates the sequence of logistic measures and their impact on the whole logistic process
  • The participants will learn about the management planning cycles and concreten measures
    for the improvement of the company logistic processes
  • The participants will understand the need of being market oriented
  • Helps the employees to know how other departments work and include them in their planning

The participants will realize the consequence of management measure without loosing money like in the reality.


  • Fundamentals of ecomics within the logistic industry
  • Clarifying the link between process optimization and economics
  • Entrepreneurial thinking and acting
  • Kostendruck und betriebswirtschaftliche Stellhebel
  • Enhancing of team spirit and communication


  • 1 – 2 days


  • 9 – 24